Seed phrase phishing

Seed phrase phishing is a type of scam that targets individuals who use cryptocurrency wallets. In this type of scam, the attacker will create a fake website or send an email posing as a legitimate service, such as a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet provider, asking the user to enter their seed phrase.

The seed phrase is a sequence of words that is for recovering a user's cryptocurrency assets in the event that they lose access to their wallet.

Here's an example of seed phrase phishing:

  1. A user receives an email from a fake cryptocurrency exchange that they use. The email asks the user to log into their account by clicking on a link.

  2. The link directs the user to a fake login page that looks like the real exchange's website. The user is prompted to enter their seed phrase to recover their account.

  3. The user then inputs their seed phrase, and the attacker now has access to the user's cryptocurrency assets.

Here is an example of a webpage that prompts a user for their seed phrase.

It's important to be cautious of any unsolicited requests for sensitive information. Do not trust anyone who has sent you a direct message.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ever give your Secret Recovery Phrase to anyone or input it into any site! Once a person has access to your seed phrase the wallet can never be secure. That person will have the ability to import your wallet into any wallet of their choosing.


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